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United Kingdom list members of Parliament


This sheet include United Kingdom list member of Parliament with all information that you need to reach them. You have clean list of first names and last names of the members. The big advantage is the included E-Mail addresses, offices and ZIP codes to all of them.

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This sheet include United Kingdom list member of  Parliament with all information that you need to reach them. You have clean list of first names and last names of the members. The big advantage is the included E-Mail addresses, offices and ZIP codes to all of them. This list is suitable for NGOs, institution, organizations, political scientists and others. They can reach their target from members of House of Commons and to filter them by party, city or ZIP code. Do your marketing researches and take United Kingdom list of member of  the Parliament easily.

First Name, Last Name, Title, ZIP code, E-Mail, Phone, Address, City, Party

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*.xls, *.xlsx, *.csv, *.xml

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